November 24, 2009

157 - 255V voltage range DOES NOT mean its ok for 240volt


Yes the specs on most 208volt 5000va UPSes from APC offer this wide range of inputs.
BUT,unless it says otherwise, its still a 208volt system, and really likes 208volt.

If you get some crazy voltages, the UPS will handle it.  But DO NOT hookup up a 208volt UPS to your home's 240volt power.

If you do, the UPS will trim the voltage from 240+ down to 208volt.  If its doing this all the time, the batteries, system and everything will fail prematurely.

Then what do I do for home systems that need a 5000va and have 240volt?

Either a 230volt system OR a step down transformer from 240v to 224v.

But the best idea is to stay away from the high voltage and get two 3000va systems... its cheaper