If you are operating a home based business, and nned a business grade UPS for your server at home it is important to remember the 3 characteristics of UPS in choosing the right one.
First is voltage. Do NOT use anything other than 120volt UPSes. Yes, there are ways to use high voltage in your home, but the costs are alot more.
Second is VA or volt amps. As
previously mentioned this is the Power Capacity of the UPS or how much stuff you can plug into it. UPSes come in a range of VAs: 1500va, 2200, 3000, 5000, etc. Since if you only have a standard 15amp household plug, your maximum VA will be 1800 (120v x 15a), no matter if you buy a larger rated UPS.
So why buy anything larger than a 1800va? Because of the Third feature... Battery capacity
Battery Capacity, expressed in VAH is the
amount of battery juice that allows the ups to run without power. Typically, the larger the UPS's VA the larger the VAH. So while your UPS may be limited to 1800va, you can still get the benefits of the units, larger VAH.
So what UPSes do I recommend for home based networks using a standard outlet? My first choice is the (215)
220va 5U XL ups. It offers a compact frame that can be put in a A frame rack or turned on its side for a tower. Plus it offers the XL feature, which allows for more runtime. Plus the standard 30amp plug can be changed at no charge to accommodate your 15amp plug. However, any of the 2200va units can work best.