March 3, 2015

Options for replacing the APC Matrix 5000 units

Do you have a Matrix 5000 and need to finally upgrade it to something this century?

Oddly enough, there is still nothing that delivers the awesome power and full features of the APC Matrix UPS.

Some of the most important features

  • Split Phase 120/240 and 120v, 208v, 240v outputs
  • 48VDC Battery bus (especially if your batts are still good)
  • Charger capable of charging 17280vah of batteries (4 x SmartCell XR sets)
  • L630 Input
  • Isolation Transformer

Some suggestions include the APC Smart RT XLP Unit (593p4), but that requires a L1430P input and still has that 192v DC bus and no isolation transformer.

Another idea is the APC SmartUPS RT TF3 (593g4s).  Here we have the L630P input and outputs like the matrix, and even the isolation transformer, but still the lousy 192vDC limits

You could go to a Symmetra LX 8kva, which has nearly endless runtime, but the inputs are wrong and still no isolation transformer.

So what do do?

Our best solution is a APC Smart UPS XL TF3 (595bs).  This unit is a 5kva Smart UPS XL line-interactive, tranformer-based unit with a isolation transformer.   It has the right inputs and outputs, plus the transformer and has a nice 48vdc bus, which can run off your old Smartcell units.  Plus we even have tower and rack mount options for it.

This is an offline unit, so you need to call us to order...