We upgraded our server wiring from 120volt to 208volt. I want to buy a 208volt UPS. But, since I didnt change all the plugs, I wondered if you can put a L530P on the 208volt UPS?L5xx is a NEMA designation for 125volt circuitry. As I mentioned before, NEMA plug designations allow people to look at a device and know the voltage for it.
So, when someone asks me to put a L530R (Locking - 3wire 125volt - 30amp - Receptacle) on a their new 208volt system, I freak out. L5 is a 125volt, L6 is for 250volt.
True on the L5 and L6.... the wire, prongs, cord, etc are all rated for 250volt, so its not going melt.
But, if you sell or move that unit, someone will be able to plug that 208volt unit into a 120volt L530R outlet and be disappointed.
I know plugs, devices, and electricians are expensive, but put the proper class of plugs on a unit.