September 25, 2010

AGM GEL VRLA SLA... More Battery Questions

I got a call from a customer wanting a 12volt 12ah "gel" battery, and I kinda of stumbled in explaining whether we have one.

The short answer is and should have been... YES   its here (b12)

But, I chose to make it more complicated... Our batteries belong the family called.  VRLA.  Which is Valve Regulated Lead Acid.  These Sealed Lead Acid (SLA) batteries are contrasted with Vented, Flooded or Wet batteries.  Your car battery is a Vented/Wet/Flooded battery.

But within the VRLA family there are 2 species, AGM and Gel Cell.  Our Powersonic batts are AGM (meaning Absorbed Glass Mat). The electrolyte is not a gel but is a liquid in such a small proportion as only to keep the internal mats within the battery damp.   Real Gel Cels dont use any liquid, but rather a gel paste.

It turns out, Gel Cels are more expensive and discharge slowly  (not good for UPSes) and require a proper recharge regiment (also not good for UPSes), plus they tend to be more expensive and create less power per lb.  Finally according to the guys at, "gel" means to most people AGM VRLA, since AGM outsell Gel 100 to 1.   Even Wikipedia has a VRLA AGM listed incorrectly as a "gel battery"

Look how similar the two types of VRLA batts are