I have been known to spend hours working on UPS solutions for customers. Sometimes the fix is easy and I suggest a few parts that make all the difference. When the same problem and solution keeps coming up... I now bundle the parts up and refer the customer to our website to order.
Two more Solutions Kits have been added.
Kit 4 solves the problem of the desire to add your own large batteries to an UPS safely. This kit includes the connector, cable, terminals and fusing to make this easy and safe.
Kit 5 solves the growing problem of converting from 120volt to 208volt without using a transformer. As I mentioned several times, all your equipment runs fine at high voltage. The only problem is changing your cord structure. This kit provides the high voltage PDU and power cords. Plus since many people are going from 120v 30amp to 250v 30a, I have included a L630 receptacle to match the UPS. In many cases you can use that same 30amp circuit to run the high voltage on.